Friday 22 September 2023

Sampson and Son

 Hello again!

Where did the summer go? Today is the Autumn Equinox, so back to chilly, windy, and wet - not that the last few months have been very different, with the exception of a couple of weeks at the beginning of this month... But I'm not here to talk about the weather!

Novum Publishing - who published Costly Truths and Course Adjustments last year - wanted to go ahead with the publication of Sampson and Son, followed by Present in the Past and Distant Lives... which was a lovely ego-boost - but I decided to try the self-publishing route which seems to be increasingly popular, especially among debut and newish authors like me.

The William offered to help with the 'grunt work' in preparing the manuscript, and I owe him a huge debt of gratitude for his sterling work, not only in formatting the text but in creating a wonderful cover.

So the good news is that Sampson and Son will soon be available from Amazon, either as an e-book or as a paperback. Hurrah! And hopefully Present in the Past will be out before the end of the year - perhaps in time for Christmas - and who doesn't enjoy finding a new book under the tree? (hint hint!) 🎄🤶

I've also just created a new facebook page which, like this blog, will be to do with my writing. You can find it by searching for Maggie Williams Richmond - Author at

If you've already read either or both of the first two books in The Ancestor Series, I'd be very grateful if you will please post a review either on Facebook or on Amazon - or, of course, both!

And please don't hesitate to get in touch with me either on my new facebook page (Maggie Williams Richmond - Author), or here, or by email:

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

p.s. I've just this week begun work on the sixth story in The Ancestor Series: The Maubry Inheritance - but don't worry. There's so much research to do into 13th-century Scotland that you have lots of time to read the first five before this one hits the shelves... And in any case, they can all be read as stand-alone stories.



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